Obstructive sleep apnea is a serious medical condition that can predispose patients to cardiovascular disease such as uncontrolled hypertension, heart attacks, strokes, congestive heart failure, and atrial fibrillation. Other medical conditions such as type II diabetes, acid reflux, depression, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and recent weight gain are other signs of possible underlying sleep apnea. Up to 80% of these patients are undiagnosed and up to 20% of the adult population can be affected. We want to screen patients for sleep apnea so we can improve their quality of life and also possibly save a life. We are using a company called Ezysleep to assist in testing our patient with the Watermark home testing device. Ezysleep works with a medical billing company, Medusind, to obtain pre-authorization from patient’s medical insurance and help process reimbursement.